Testimonial for Dr. Karin Wiburg

Dr. Karin Wiburg is known as a pioneer in STEM education at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. During her time at NMSU, Dr. Wiburg’s leadership and extraordinary grant writing skills led to more than $25 million in grants to support professional learning, research, outreach, and evaluation at the College of Education. In 2001, Dr. Wiburg co-founded the Institute of Equity/Excellence in Math and Science Education with the intent to further technology-based learning environments in math, science, literacy, and English language learning. As a principal investigator and lead researcher on multiple National Science Foundation grants, Dr. Wiburg’s mission has always been to invest funds in the preparation of pre-service and in-service teachers who work with under-represented and vulnerable populations.  As the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Education from 2004-2013, Dr. Wiburg through facilitative leadership, shared her expertise with faculty and staff in all aspects of grants, from preparing a strong proposal, to inception, implementation, decision-making and finally grant closure. Dr. Wiburg paved the way as a visionary and her legacy will allow our college to continue flourishing in all present and future grant-funded projects.

  • Dr. Wanda Bulger-Tamez, STEM Outreach Center Director
  • Sara Morales, STEM Outreach Center Associate Director

College of Education

Institute for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education

New Mexico State University


Testimonials for MK Design House, LLC

“Monica has been working on the computer since the days of Apple computers in 1986.  She was an early designer using the MacIntosh for development and graphics. She has rescued me many times when I ran into problems with publications, web issues, and has also posted several books for me on AMAZON. When she comes to teach me she is kind, gentle, and skilled. I recommend MK Design House for both graphic design and web creation.”

Dr. Karin Wiburg